

If we don’t have it, we’ll get it for you!

If Darby Free Library does not have the book, audio cassette, spoken word cassette, compact disc or magazine article that you need, request an interlibrary loan and we can get it for you from another library.

Make an interlibrary loan and HOLDS request:

How long does it take?

  • Interlibrary loand and HOLDS requests are processed as they are received. turn-around time varies with the library location from which materials are borrowed.
  • Patrons are notified when the material is available for pick-up.

Materials not available on interlibrary and HOLDS loan

  • Reference and rare books are generally not loaned. If loaned they may be specified for “in library use only”.
  • You may request photocopies of a few pages of a specialized work not loaned by a library.