
Website Guidelines



The Darby Free Library provides this website as a service to its membership.  Click here for an understanding of DFL’s Internet Use Policy.

Terms of Use

Accessing this Web site constitutes an acknowledgement that you have read the content of the disclaimer and agree to the terms and conditions set out therein.

Information provide herewith is solely for you use and cannot be sold.  In no event will the Darby Free Library be liable for any damages, direct, consequential, incidental, special  or any claim for fees arising from the information provided herewith.   Any unauthorized use of it’s images, logo and library information without the explicit consent of library officials is a violation of US copyright laws.


The information found on Internet sites other than on Darby Free Library’s Web site is not under the Library’s control, and the Library assumes no responsibility for that information.Users are cautioned that the accuracy, completeness and currency of information found on the Internet varies widely. Users should use critical judgment in evaluating information found on the Internet.

All Internet resources accessible through the Library are provided equally to all users. Children have access to the same resources as adults. It is the Library’s policy that parents or legal guardians must assume responsibility for deciding what resources are appropriate for their children.

The Internet and its resources may contain material of a controversial nature. Individual users are reminded that they are responsible for the sites they choose to access. Parents of minor children are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet through the Library’s connections. As with other Library material, any restriction of the child’s access is the responsibility of the parent or guardian, not the Library staff.

The Darby Free Library is not responsible for any damages to a user’s computer, disks, or files arising from using workstations, the Internet, or the Library’s World Wide Web pages.

For more information, click on Contact Us, fill out the feedback form, and we will respond as quickly as possible.